Syndicated Radio Host Howard Kessler Shares Some Off-time Ventures

Maple Grove resident Howard Kessler offers some summertime leisure recommendations.
Menage a Trois wine, "The Great Gatsby" and sweet electronic dance music (EDM).

What does a Grammy nominated, Gold and Platinum Award winning producer-artist-remixer who hosts a syndicated radio show listen to at home? Well, Maple Grove’s own Howard Kessler says “You never know what will come out of the speakers. My music taste extends far and wide as my belief is there are only two kinds of music: good and bad.” Kessler spent some time with us, sharing his latest interest in books, drink and music; great recommendations for a summer afternoon. READ The Great Gatsby To my delight I have recently learned that re-reading a literary favorite is as rewarding as listening to a much loved song from years past. With all the wonderful new reads available, for some reason of fate, or all the hype surrounding the 2013 release of yet another film adaptation of this novel, I recently found myself cozying up to an old classic, The Great Gatsby. It takes place in the Roaring Twenties in a time of bootleg gin, blaring jazz and diminishing morals. The characters are quite interesting and quirky and the story keeps you engaged from beginning to end. Although it has been years since I last enjoyed this work I found it reads like a new novel. Possibly due to the fact that truly good writing can be read again and again. I suggest revisiting your favorite literary classic or find one you haven't read yet. The latest and newest will still be there. And aren't you tired of hearing about 50 Shades of Grey. Although, you still can look forward to both coming to the big screen! DRINK Ménage à Trois  I've enjoyed good wine for many years and my taste buds have experienced grapes that range from $5 to $500 a bottle. When you jump from a $5 bottle to a $12 bottle you'll taste a difference. When you go from $12 a bottle to around $20-$25 you'll usually taste a difference as well. But, unless you have a highly educated palate, once you get over $25-$30 a bottle you will be hard pressed to taste a difference. And yes, as with all things taste related it is very subjective. I say all this to give you a better understanding of my recommendation. Ménage à Trois red by Folie à Deux is a very good wine at a very palatable price. For about $12 a bottle (even less if you pick it up at Sam’s) you get a great go-to red blend for the nightly dinner table or to bring to a friend’s house. It’s an impeccable blend of three favorites—zinfandel, merlot and cabernet. The result is a dark, smooth, mellow wine with a bit of sumptuous berry and a subtle indication of pepper with a velvety finish. Pair this gem of a libation with steak, pasta or spicy foods for a great complement to the meal. If that's not enough of a reason to try it, the name also lends itself to great table fodder when you show up at someone's house with a bottle. Cheers! LISTEN Nothing But The Beat 2.0, David GuettaIf you’re in my home or in my car you never know what will come out of the speakers. My music taste extends far and wide as my belief is there are only two kinds of music: good and bad.Since most people who know me are aware of my involvement in pop, electronic dance music (EDM) and hip-hop, and since EDM has now officially taken over the world, I thought I would suggest an album that is a great commercial introduction to the genre. EDM now outsells pop, rock and country in 23 countries. In the US it was the highest growing mainstream genre last year. Producer-artist-SJ David Guetta is a recent chart-topper that exemplifies the movement and is currently leading the pack. His album, Nothing But The Beat 2.0, is filled with dance floor bangers and, with the help of some of the biggest names in pop music lending their vocal talents, tracks off this album can be heard on dance floors and radio airwaves around the world. Whether you're in the car alone or with your kids, getting ready for a night out on the town or heading to the gym for a workout—pop this album in your iPod and watch your body's response from the sonic bliss.   Howard "HK" Kessler is a Grammy nominated, Gold and Platinum Award winning producer-artist-remixer who hosts the syndicated radio show In The Mix with HK. Maple Grove residents can hear his show Saturday nights at 10 p.m. on Mix 94.9 FM.   @ Find Howard “HK” Kessler:  Check out his EDM album at itunes and