Maple Grove Yard Waste Site

An unwitting resident is millionth visitor.
Chuck Vane

Open since 1990, the Maple Grove Yard Waste Site, on 101st Ave. N. east of the Target store, has been used frequently by Maple Grove residents and homeowners in the surrounding area. In pursuit of a spiffier looking yard, a lot of trucks and trailers have pulled past the friendly booth attendant to drop off a load of branches, grass and leaves, which are composted into reusable material. Smart gardeners keep knowledge of the site under wraps as the best way to amend the clay-ridden soil of most Maple Grove properties.


Last fall the Yardwaste Site recorded its 2 millionth visitor, Chuck Vane. Maple Grove Magazine would like to send a resounding “congrats” to the city for providing us all with such a useful, well-run service, and congratulations to Mr. Vane for hitting the notable number. His winnings? A great load of “black gold.”