Best Elementary Teacher in Maple Grove

Oak View’s Barbara Weist awarded Best Elementary Teacher in Maple Grove.
From left to right: Dominic Davis, Careron McDaniel, Aaeyinka Abolade, Barbara Weist, Katie Martinez, Osman Barrie.

Our annual Best of Maple Grove editor’s picks recognize the finest businesses and individuals for their exemplary service to the community. The 2015 Best Elementary Teacher undoubtedly maintains that standard. Barbara Weist first began as a fourth grade teacher more than 30 years ago. During the inaugural year of Oak View Elementary, in 1991, she joined the staff, teaching fourth graders. “As a teacher, I’ve learned from the kids that you are never prepared for everything,” Weist says. “Kids are so unique and they adapt differently, so there is always something new or different about to happen.”

Although Weist has been a Maple Grove resident since 1990, her academic influence hasn’t always remained in the confines of Maple Grove proper. “I even taught English-conversation to Japanese students in the small Tokyo suburb of Kawaguchi,” she says. “Those who took my classes ranged everywhere from 4 years old all the way to 63 years old.”

With so many years of experience dedicated to students in Maple Grove, Barbara Weist humbly takes her “Best of” award in stride. She’ll continue to keep children engaged. “I’m not retiring,” Weist says enthusiastically. “I’m choosing to teach at Oak View for at least two more school years.”