Bunce Backyard Productions Presents Peter Pan This July

Bunce Backyard brings Peter Pan to life in the backyard.
A cast of more than 65 players bring the musical Peter Pan to life this summer.

It’s the tenth year of backyard performances for the Bunce family and once again, this year everyone is meeting at the Bogles’ backyard. If you’ve never experienced a Bunce Backyard Production, this is the year to grab your favorite friend under the age of 12 and pretend that it’s not really you who wants to see Peter Pan fly through Neverland.

“I was never the little girl who saw a piece of myself in the princesses of Disney, who were always saved by a prince in the end,” says Hannah Kuduk, the actress playing Peter Pan. “As sentimental as it is, I always wanted to be the hero of my own story. As a woman among many women who have had the opportunity to portray Peter Pan on stage, his character speaks volumes to me about what it means to always carry the uninhabited confidence of a child, long after growing up.”

Other principal performers in this production include Lillian Mills (Tinkerbell), Todd Handeland (Hook) and also the lead singer for local band KickStart, Nate Stevens (Smee), Grace Halme (Tiger Lily), Rose Eerdmans (Wendy Darling), Ian Handeland (John Darling), Wyatt Bjugstad (Michael Darling), Greg Bunce (Mr. Darling), Judy Winship (Mrs. Darling), Kendall Winship (Liza, the maid) and Emma Lowe (Nana, the nurse) join a cast of 65 players. Peter Pan is directed by Sharayah Bunce with music direction by Marina Fisher.

WHAT: Peter Pan: The Musical
WHEN: July 20-22, 24-26 (rain exceptions, check buncebackyard.com)
WHERE: Bogle backyard, 11350 Dallas Lane N., Dayton
TIME: 7 or 7:30 p.m. (see website)
COST: Free
OTHER: Bring a chair, blanket, bug spray, cash for concessions and a donation, if desired.