Capital Adventure

Heritage sixth graders visit Washington, D.C.

Heritage Christian Academy sixth graders Matthew Virginia and Cole Kopischke spent time last fall at our nation’s capital, taking part in the People to People World Leadership Forum; both boys are part of a local People to People student ambassador organization. Matthew and Cole, along with students from around the world, came away with a better understanding of leadership, service, and the U.S. government.

Hands-on activities, speakers, small-group workshops and visits to significant memorials, museums and monuments gave the boys insight on the importance of informed and inspired world leaders.

“I really liked the Library of Congress and the World War II Memorial,” says Matthew. While in Washington, he also wrote a letter to the men and women serving in the armed forces.

Cole enjoyed being able to share with others how his faith impacts his desire to be a strong leader.

While in D.C., both boys listened to Lt. Colonel Mike Sundsted, Air Force One pilot, give the keynote address, and also enjoyed making friends with student ambassadors from around the world.