Darby is Dancing

Fundraiser provides dance lessons to children with special needs.
Molly Kapas (left) and Darby’s mom, Valerie Jones

Dawn Turner moved to Maple Grove from Alabama five years ago and started the non-profit Darby’s Dancers because of a friend of her daughter’s named Darby. Darby had special needs and was diagnosed with leukemia after Turner and her family had moved to Maple Grove.

Turner had heard about dance programs for kids with special needs and decided to propose a small program at their local studio because Darby “loved to dance”. The idea was accepted and what started out as a small, 10-child program has now grown to 21 locations across America.

Darby passed away two years ago, but Turner says, “I know Darby is watching over me and she loves watching her dancers.”

Classes are taught by volunteer dance instructors and take place in donated studios. Charitable contributions provide supplies and costumes at no cost to parents.

Darby’s Dancers is holding a recital this month along with a fundraiser that includes a gift basket raffle. Turner invites everyone to come, watch and celebrate.

What: Darby’s Dancers Recital & Fundraiser
When: May 20, 10 a.m., 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Where: Maple Grove Senior High School Auditorium