Drinks to Keep Warm this November

Recommendations for cozy mixed concoctions.

As the days become colder the drinks should heat up. John Farrell at Haskell’s in Maple Grove recommends these four combos for chilly temperatures.

Hot Mulled Cider
4 cinnamon sticks
1 tsp. ground cloves
1 tsp. nutmeg
½ gallon apple cider

Mix all ingredients, heat & serve. Remove cinnamon sticks and garnish with 1/2 orange slice.

Hot Spiked Cider
1 oz. dark rum
3 oz. apple cider
½ oz. apple brandy
Heat and serve in mug, garnished
with a cinnamon stick.

Irish Coffee
1 cup strong hot coffee (French roast)
1 oz. Irish whiskey
1 oz. Irish cream liquor (St. Brendan’s or Baileys)
½ oz. whipped cream

Mix coffee, whiskey and Irish cream in a mug. Top with whipped cream.

Hot Buttered Rum
2 oz. full-bodied rum
1 tsp. butter
3 or 4 cloves
Hot water

Pour rum in glass or pewter mug, place butter in mug. Add hot water, sprinkle cloves on top, stir and allow cloves to steep in drink for a few minutes. Remove cloves and serve.