A Supply of Success. Meet the business that’s revolutionizing the protein powder market.
Health & Wellness
What do people in MN highly enjoy in September? Fall weather? Sure. Kids back at school? Absolutely! My birthday? Obviously. Most of all, people go bonkers for “Oktoberfest” beers. Why the quotation marks? Well, many breweries are doing different styles around the time of Oktoberfest.
What do faucets, red bricks and 1975 have in common? They are part of the display, School Memories, at the Maple Grove Museum.

While kids are growing up, finding a way to express themselves is an important part of growth and development.

“A few years ago, my friend in Buffalo did a 5K and said she runs with her girlfriends in the area. I thought to myself, ‘I wish I had something like that in Maple Grove.’ It’s not like you can be a creeper on a trail, meet someone running, and then ask if you can join them!”

Sometimes we just need a little nudge—a tiny bit of inspiration to get us up and out into the pastoral vistas of Maple Grove. Thankfully, the Maple Grove Parks and Recreation services offers opportunities for walking and biking that encourage participants to get a move on!

Races are plentiful around the Maple Grove area during the spring and summer months, and plenty of residents enjoy gathering at races in support of causes and charities or to foster their competitive spirits.

Former Maple Grove resident Ellen Roeser, mother of three children and grandmother of two grandchildren, watched the struggles of her oldest daughter’s friends as they had babies and didn’t know where to turn for care.

Photographing a clown greeting her daughter last summer before the Maple Grove Days parade began, Lisa Willey found it hard to resist the picture-perfect moment unfolding before her Canon 70d camera. The clown pictured is Kelly Walk, who her daughter knows through high school sports.
Spend a Saturday morning learning all about dragonflies and their unusual life cycles at the Dragonfly Festival from 10 a.m.–1 p.m. July 7 at the Eastman Nature Center ($5). All ages can visit the dragonfly tent.
The Arbor Lakes Arts Fair, planned for July 14–15, is sure to be a fun-filled weekend for both kids and adults.