John Unverzagt of Fitness Together Offers Stretches for a Happier, Healthier Life

Trainer John Unverzagt shares a quick pick-me-up for a brighter day.
Left: Trainer John Unverzagt demonstrates a scalene stretch; Center: This is a cervical flexor stretch; Right: This is a levator scapulae stretch.

These days, everyone’s daily lives seem to be absorbed by the chaos of this fast-paced world. If neglected, factors like stress, anxiety and depression can creep in and overwhelm us. It is important to remember that you do have a choice; you do not have to let the hectic struggles of life bring you down.

One of the most important and often overlooked methods of inviting happiness into your life is exercising on a regular basis. When working out, our bodies release endorphins that aid in the reduction of stress, anxiety and depression. There are many health benefits brought on by exercise including the ability to improve our immune system, helping to prevent the dreaded illnesses that slow us down. In addition, as our cardiovascular system strengthens, it makes it easier for the body to flush out unwanted toxins from the muscles and organs.

Here are three exercises you can do as a quick pick-me-up on your way to establishing a regular routine:

1) Cardio - Walking/running/jogging will all release endorphins and dopamine into your system. Endorphins and dopamine give the “runner’s high” and “in the zone” feeling that we all strive for.

First step: Take the stairs, walk to the farthest restroom available at work, park your car on the far side of the lot or walk during lunch break.

2) Buddy Training - Exercising with others builds your social network, teamwork and camaraderie. Our clients say, “When doing planks and burpees, it helps to know that we are all in this together.”
First step: Start some of those cardio suggestions with a friend.

3) Stretching – Yoga and stretching (static or partner assisted) aid in muscle recovery as well as developing an inner sense of peace and sense of how your body is improving. After you do bicep curls to failure, you feel exhausted. With stretching, you feel the immediate benefit of change in your body. Most people hold stress and tension in their neck muscles.
First step: Try the stretches pictured.

Stretch 1, Scalene stretch: Tilt right ear to right shoulder, stretching the left side of neck. Assist with right hand.

Stretch 2, Cervical flexor stretch: Grab back of head with both hands and pull chin to chest.

Stretch 3, Levator scapulae stretch: Tuck chin and rotate head toward opposite armpit to look into back pocket, keeping chin tucked.

Now that you feel energized, it’s time to drop the excuse of a busy schedule, take the initiative and find a fitness program that works for you. In addition to all of the immediate benefits you receive from participating in an exercise routine, you are adding years to your life by decreasing daily stress and increasing your self-confidence.

-- John Unverzagt is the owner of Fitness Together Maple Grove who says he can see exactly the kind of stretches and corrective exercises needed for each client the minute they walk in the door.