A Knack for Knitting

Knitting Grandmas offer handmade hats for every baby born at Maple Grove Hospital.

Since the opening of Maple Grove Hospital five years ago, the Knitting Grandmas have been crafting hats for each and every baby born there. Founded by Molly Sullivan and two other women, the group of about 50 knitters is now co-led by Jerry Enders and Kim Wood. On average, the Knitting Grandmas make about 400 hats per month—that’s at least 100 each week. They knit themed hats, and gear projects toward holidays and seasons, which keeps it interesting. Enders attributes their enthusiasm to camaraderie and shared experiences. “It’s been a fun project,” she says. “We don’t put pressure to knit a certain number of hats—and we’re always looking for new experienced knitters.”

The Knitting Grandmas meet every Monday from noon to 2 p.m. at the Maple Grove Community Center. They invite all experienced knitters to join in the fun.