When choosing where to plant roots, Dr. Brad Griffore decided his hometown was the perfect place to raise a family and begin his business. “I have lived in Maple Grove my entire life, I love the area, and I wanted to do something different to change the trend in the industry I love while contributing value to the community I grew up in,” Griffore says.
With The Adjustment Club, Griffore will be in practice with his sister Brittany Sedjo, who is receiving her doctorate in chiropractic this month. The clinic is focused on a new wellness–pediatrics trend in chiropractics, focused on sustaining care after the patient’s first visit. Instead of only seeing the chiropractor while in pain, Griffore recommends his members come four times per month for routine adjustments to prevent discomfort before it starts.
The club offers a membership, breaking down the barrier of unaffordable healthcare while allowing members to pay a fee, receive care and make walk-in visits. Griffore and Sedjo will also offer a clinic with a small feel, limiting the number of members in order to make the process personalized and effective— Emily Den Boer
The Adjustment Club, 13580 Grove Drive; 763.777.8269.