New Technologies Tackle Stress

Three new chiropractic scans for children help families relieve stress.

Maple Grove chiropractors Dr. Marcus Kasper and Dr. Scott Walter have implemented new state-of-the-art scans to help children at Trillium Chiropractic. They currently have three new scans: Thermograph, SEMG and HRV. Thermograph detects temperature differences along the spine and discovers the root cause of pain. SEMG senses the conductivity of muscles and measures how they are stressed under normal circumstances.

“HRV is the most important because it determines how our body handles stress,” Kasper says. It measures one’s heart rate under physical, chemical and emotional stress at complete rest. This can help children who are over-processing information by identifying patterns in the nervous system. “Then we slightly shift or maneuver the bones in certain areas to allow the nervous system to work better,” Kasper explains.