Jason Sanderson Gets a Big Father’s Day Surprise at Simonson’s Salon & Spa

This month we show our appreciation for fathers and celebrate by giving one father a very special gift.

The Lucky Father

Jason has had a beard since May 2014 but began growing it out as a part of “No-Shave November,” a nationwide event which encourages participants to forego shaving during the month in order to call attention to men’s health and foster awareness of various cancers. After such a long time of allowing his facial hair to grow, Sanderson was ready to get it under control. The idea of reducing the frizz factor made him happy. So, Simonson’s Salon and Spa stepped into the picture and offered a spiff-up for our very special dad.

Jason Sanderson is a family man with a wife and three teenagers. His family was excited about the possible change that a makeover could deliver. Below you can read about their reaction to the makeover and about this very special person in their lives. In celebration of Father’s Day this month, see how Simonson’s spiffed up Jason Sanderson’s look.

(Before and after - looking sharp!)

What We Did
Haircut and full beard shaping (hair/$50, beard/$25) by stylist Tara Williams.

What They Said
The Sandersons—wife Tisa, 16-year old Mireille, 14-year-old Erik, and 13-year-old Lauren—share their impressions:

What do you like about his ‘before’ look?
Tisa: I like his beard, eyes and ruddy cheeks.
Erik: I also like his beard. Without it he looks weird.

What would you like to see happen?
Tisa: Grooming beard, shaping eyebrows, something easy to maintain, something unique such as a new beard trend, or a signature look.
Mireille: Highlights in the hair, an ombré beard!

All finished, what do you think?
Mireille: I was surprised that he had such a professional look.
Erik: I was surprised that his beard was super short, but I like it.
Lauren: What stood out the most was his beard being cut off so much. I do love it though.
Tisa: When I first saw Jason after his appointment, it was a big shock and exciting. I’ve been embraced by his beard for quite some time. I think he looks very handsome. I particularly like the way his mustache is shaped. His ruddy cheeks and bright blue eyes are more noticeable, both of which I’m rather fond.

What makes Jason special?

Tisa: Being a father is an immense responsibility and he doesn’t take it lightly. Jason is truly an amazing father. He is very attentive, loving, selfless and involved. He is very passionate. “Go hard or go home” would probably describe him best and that’s particularly true in the way he lives out his faith in Jesus Christ and the way he loves his family. He’s the biggest encourager I know. I always want to be on his team. He is a ton of fun. He takes life head on and if he is ever afraid, I would never know it.

He remembers flowers for the girls’ performances. He engages each of the kids, and that is no easy task—each one is so very different. He takes one of them out each week. “Date night” is on the calendar and no one wants to miss it.

We have dinner around the table as often as possible. With the kids getting older and their schedules getting busier, that becomes increasingly challenging, but he makes it a priority.

He’s taken each of them [his kids] deer hunting, and fishing is one of their favorite outdoor activities. He enjoys new experiences and always wants his family to experience those things with him. He’s a listener. Our kids can talk to him about anything, and they do. Even if they have a complaint against him, he listens and together they figure out a way to resolve the issue.

There is no part of parenting that he thinks is only for the mother. I’m so thankful that he views our marriage as a team effort.

Mireille: He’s caring and loves his family. One time when we were in Texas and fishing, we were in a boat and there was a snake in the water. He made sure we were safe, took care of the snake, and then we were able to fish. He’s brave.

I appreciate that no matter what, he is there for me. He’s at almost all of my games. He supports me in whatever I do. If I mess up, he’s there to pick me back up.

Erik: I really like that he takes me out on Tuesday for father/son time. It’s fun to spend time with him by myself.

We built our dining room table together and we have also built a few other pieces. It’s fun to do hands-on stuff.

Dad took us to a cabin last year. We went fishing, we drove race cars. One of my favorite things to do with him is fish. I’ve learned a lot about what to and what not do when fishing because we’ve gotten to go a lot.

Lauren: I appreciate that he is always there even in the hard times. No matter what, I know that he will be there for me. Even if it isn’t his favorite thing, I know he will be there or do something with me.

He is loving. He is also competitive. He never lets me win. I still haven’t beaten him at anything. When I do beat him, I will know that he’s getting old and I’ve earned it. But he’s still encouraging and loving when I lose. I will never try to quit winning.

I don’t think people realize how much love he has even though he’s really competitive. They see him on the outside, but they don’t see his comforting side. You see him play games and he loves to talk trash. But when it comes to serious stuff, he really cares.

(Left to right: Mireille, Lauren, Tisa and Erik stand behind husband and father Jason Sanderson after his exciting transformation.)

The Next Lucky Father

Does your dad live in the Maple Grove area and deserve some pampering and attention paid to his appearance? Send us a quick email with one or two sentences about why he deserves a complimentary makeover like the one shown here. Attach a candid picture. We’ll pick one winner for a complete makeover at Simonson’s Salon and Spa.

Email maplegrovemag@tigeroak.com by the last day of this month, June 30, 2016. The winner’s makeover will also appear in a future issue.