As we find ourselves gravitating toward the summer lifestyle, I find myself retreating to memories as a kid growing up in Richfield. In our household, gardening was a central focus. With pristine gardens and an immaculate lawn, my mom always took pride in the natural beauty the late spring and early summer seasons had to offer. Our yard was always bursting with fresh herbs, juicy tomatoes, fragrant lilac bushes and an array of stunning peonies in gradients of pink. I recall getting excited to see which produce would be ready to pick and would eye the perfect flowers on the bushes to create, what I believed to be, showstopping floral arrangements. Capturing the essence of the season, these plants made it feel like home. To this day, the scent of fresh tomato plants, spearmint and lilacs instantly takes me back to my childhood, a time of sweet bliss.
Transforming the way we think about our garden florals, the Uffda Chef adds another sensory experience to lilacs beyond just sight and smell. On page 28, he shares how he creates lilac liqueur (from the bushes in his backyard) to fuse into his favorite drinks. In the rest of the issue, we explore how other residents take inspiration from their daily surroundings to improve their overall experiences in the community.
Until next time readers!
-Ava Diaz