Fresh starts. A little tabula rasa does us all good from time-to-time. Looking forward affords us the opportunity to embrace change and accept new challenges. For some, January is a good starting point; for others, September is the launching pad for moving in a new direction.
This issue includes some perspectives on moving forward or shaking things up a bit. On page 16, Madeline Kopiecki writes about Sara Swan’s Looking Forward Life Coaching, which helps clients take their lives into new directions. “We’re not therapists, we’re not social workers or anything like that, so we’re not focusing in on the past per se,” Swan says. “It’s more, ‘What are the tools that we can put into their tool box of life that can be beneficial to take them to the next steps in life?’”
I take a look at what it takes to feather our nests, which is a great way to rejuvenate our living spaces and refresh our perspectives at the same time. For tips, we turned to Carly Loobeek, an interior designer with Studio M Interiors, who worked with Jeff and Carrie Jacobson. The couple’s Osseo home suffered fire damage, necessitating interior updates. Find the article on page 20.
Looking forward shouldn’t prevent us from remembering and honoring the past, which brings me to 20 years ago this September—9/11. Twenty years. Does that seem possible to you? Many of us share collective memories of that day and the hours and days that followed. We also have personal recollections that are seared in our hearts and minds.
If you’re interested in visiting a local space to reflect or honor the lives lost, the Firefighter Memorial Garden at Fire Station No. 2, 13450 Maple Knoll Way, includes a piece of the World Trade Center.
Until next time,
Renée Stewart-Hester