A Rising Star

Kelly Eull joins local law firm.

Kelly Eull, an attorney who concentrates her practice in family law, has
joined Maple Grove law firm Henningson & Snoxell. Eull was listed as a Super
Lawyers Rising Star in the 2010-2012 editions. “I was at a firm in St. Paul for
11 years, but I’ve lived in Maple Grove since 2005, and my kids (ages 3 and 5)
go to school there too,” Eull says. Henningson & Snoxell provided an option
to work where she lives. “I love Maple Grove, and not only is it great being by
family, it’s a great feeling being able to give back to a community that means
so much to me,” she says.

Although Eull is a rising star in her profession of family law, the “law” of
her family dictates a talent for juggling. She and her husband stay organized,
keep an eye on the calendar and work as a team. “I would say organization and
teamwork are definitely key,” she says. hennsnoxlaw.com.