Speech Through Song

Talk It Rock It promotes speech and language skills through music.
Rachel Arntson with former student Lena Segedy, learning early speech and language skills.

Rachel Arntson has more than 30 years of experience working as a speech language pathologist. Though she started her career working in adult rehabilitation, Arntson quickly realized she had a passion and knack for working with kids. She took a job with the Osseo School District and has spent the last 25 years of her career there. “I loved, loved, loved my job,” she says. “When I retired I couldn’t believe I was doing it because I loved it so much.”

Fifteen years prior, Arntson began searching for songs that would help her students with their speech and language skills. When she didn’t find much out there, she decided to write her own, and thus the parent company of Talk It Rock It was formed. Since then she has continued to write, record and create lessons in the form of songs.

Divided into two components, Talk It Rock It centers around Arntson’s products and her speaking engagements—she has presented at seminars in more than 32 states, Canada and Ireland. Products include nine CD sets (two in Spanish). Each song contains speech and language goals embedded within them, from simple imitation of single sounds and simple words and phrases to more complicated skills. “It keeps me busy,” Arntson says. “I love to share the love and gift of music and [talk about] how it can be used to enhance speech and language skills for young children.”