St. John’s Lutheran School Student Earns High Marks for Determination

Duke University honors local student William Rolf.

William Rolf was honored by Duke University’s Talent Identification Program (TIP) for his exceptional ACT scores. After taking advanced classes, possessing the drive to be successful in school and wanting to test his limits, William decided to take the ACT last February. After posting a 32 composite score, William proved that hard work and determination really do pay off—even while he was only a seventh grader at St. John’s Lutheran School, Corcoran.

TIP is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving academically talented youth. The program works with students, families and educators to identify, recognize, challenge, engage and support gifted young students in reaching their highest potential. William was recognized at the Grand Recognition Ceremony in May at Duke University’s Cameron Stadium.

“I hope this experience helps William know where to challenge himself and to advocate for others to challenge him,” says Gretchen Dolan, language arts teacher.

William, now an eighth grader, continues to clear high academic hurdles. After having an individual math plan developed for him, he has been completing high school level math courses through Genesis Virtual Academy. While being involved in this program, William finished an entire year of geometry in less than two months before moving onto Algebra II.

Involvement out of the classroom is also important to William, who participates in the Eagle Tech Robotics Team, the school musical, soccer, basketball, volleyball and baseball. He also enjoys biking with his brother along many area trails.