Throw the Perfect Holiday Party

Holiday tips from event planner extraordinaire, Bea Mulawarman.
Festive cake push pops as place holders! You can make your party special with a bit of planning and creativity.

Would you like to gather friends and family for the holidays without that panicky feeling of being overwhelmed? Maple Grove resident and event planner extraordinaire, Bea Mulawarman, owner of Bee The Buzz Event, gives us some great basic guides to party planning and some unique ideas that will make your winter-time party an unforgettable event.

3 Party Basics:
1. Set a realistic budget
Setting a realistic budget is important for determining the number of people involved. It also dictates how lavish or simple the event can be.

2. Set a number of invited people

With a set budget, you can decide the number of people to invite. Defining a number also can help you make sure that you invite only those people that you'd love to have at this kind of party. The right match of people and party type can make for a fun and memorable gathering.

3. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

Often, hosts forget that they too need to have fun at their own party! If your budget allows for hiring some people to attend to guests' needs, why not let others take care of the party? If not, ask for help from friends or family on the day of the party. Set certain expectations (but try not to be a slave driver) and the more help you get, the merrier.

3 Party Tips:
1. Use bold colors: Winters in Minnesota definitely can use some cheer in terms of colors. The use of bold colors can brighten and lift up the spirits of those attending. The party pictured here takes advantage of elegant black and white with bold reds. Solid blocks of color are delivered with fresh flowers on the table but also around the outside of the table, on the sideboard, fireplace and window, through the use of candles and draped fabric and décor.

2. Signature drink:
This is not a new idea, but guests always rave about a new concoction that is only available at a certain party. These drinks can be tailored to match the holiday or modeled after a fave of the host. Limiting refreshments to one to two special drinks makes serving easy, too. Imagine an eggnog martini before dinner or rum cocktail named “Peterson’s Perfect Storm”, as a warming nightcap.

3. Feast with your eyes:
use eye catching details and make sure everyone has their own setting. It will make them feel special and appreciated. Candles are an additional way to affordably create mood lighting and ambiance. You’ll want to make salt and pepper available, so why not make their holders an interesting detail at the table? Fruits and nuts are bright and textured and, in containers or spread randomly, play off the colder season nicely.

Does your mind keep circling back to the same tired ideas? Need something unique to make your gathering special? These two ideas can be adjusted to fit your particular party theme:

Cake Shooters- Packaged in a plastic push-up cylinder, this option is sometimes more practical than a slice of cake and more portable. They contain the perfect balance of cake and frosting and show off cheery color combinations. The original cake shooter is available at; you can also find them on Etsy and at cake supply stores.

Infused Stations- A delightful hydration station can offer guests a delicate drink of H2O that will quench any thirst. A do-it-yourself area means the combinations are endless fun. Try lemons, limes, cucumbers, basil and mint. A bit nippy outside? Offer hot infused teas or flavored coffees.