A Free Lesson in Funny

Comedy Tech offers a mini-camp, on the house.

There’ s a big difference between being funny and being a comedian. Anyone can make friends giggle after a few drinks at the dinner table. But there’s an art to standing alone on stage and making an audience of strangers burst into laughter.
What if I told you, taking the first step to learning this art is yours–for free? Sounds like a cheesy infomercial, right? But at least it’s not a joke. Not yet, anyways.

Comedy Tech, led by Maple Grove’s own comedy legend Scott Hansen, will be in session at the Maple Grove Arts Center (7916 Main St.), offering a free comedy mini-camp on April 23 and May 7 from 1-3 p.m. So whether you have big dreams of a lustrous comic career or simply a case of comic curiosity, this is the perfect opportunity to get your start. Hansen, an award-winning comedian, will be on hand to offer his expertise, and the Stagebenders, winners of the MTV Comedy Challenge, will guide you through tips on improvisation. 

Space is limited, so register by calling Arts Center Executive Director Lorrie Link at 763.494.3948. For an application or to learn more about Comedy Tech, click here.