Building a Passion

Mike Hillesheim of Creek Hill Custom Homes makes dreams come true.

The best part about my job is getting to meet all kinds of folks – folks who are passionate about one thing or another and have parlayed that passion into something fabulous. And that’s just what Mike Hillesheim, president of Creek Hill Custom Homes, has done.

How fabulous that a guy – a very unassuming and super nice guy, I might add – has turned a love of building and creating into a business that, quite literally, can make others’ dreams come true.

I am the daughter of a guy who loved trees and lumber and wood, a guy who spent his life atop a stack of boards and, armed with his Swedish fortitude, a grading stick and a charcoal pencil, determined the structural integrity of walnut, oak, pine, hickory, etc. For 50 years, he braved the cold, the wind, the rain, the sun.

He loved the beauty of the wood, the possibility it held. He built his own home (my childhood home), board by board, over a course of three years, all the while raising 7 kids.

So maybe that’s why I have such affinity for Mike and his beautiful homes. Or, more than likely, it’s because his work is so lovely, it’s hard not to be enamored. Either way, Mike is a great guy who builds really fabulous homes. Read the full feature and see the photos of his homes in our March issue or go to starting March 1.