Design Podcast 99% Invisible is Perfect for Your Morning Commute

In this black and white photo, a pair of wireless headphones rests on a laptop.
Design podcast draws attention to invisible details.

Podcast: 99% Invisible
Avg. Episode Length: ~30min
Genre: Arts and Culture
Content Warnings: Appropriate for all ages

Have you ever wondered who designed plaid shirts or where the Ouija Board got its name? 99% Invisible is a podcast that explores design questions, both fun and serious, in bite-size episodes perfect for your average Minneapolis commute. The narration covers a lot of information, but it’s conversational and easy to listen to. Sometimes the episodes are timely, like one about the power grid in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria. At times they address a design element that you may never have noticed. My favorite episodes are those that address the everyday things we never question: Who designed the stethoscope, or what makes a house a McMansion?

Where to start? As we move into our summer wardrobes full time, try Articles of Interest fashion episodes, beginning with Kids’ Clothes.