North Hennepin Community College (NHCC) offers six to eight free student-focused gallery shows each season. This month’s show, the Northwestern High School Art Exhibit, contains drawings, paintings, prints/photography, jewelry and 3D work created by students at local high schools, including Maple Grove and Osseo.
“We do the show each year to encourage high school students to show their work to a wider audience and receive feedback from our own art faculty,” says faculty member Will Agar. “Viewers will always be surprised by the array of technical talents as well as the exceptional insights into youthful human psyche.”
The Northwestern High School show contains approximately 150 pieces of art. Inspiration for work during shows in past years has gone beyond formal and introspective images to expressions that include politics and world events.
Three additional features make the exhibit unique. A student from each participating high school is given special recognition by NHCC faculty in the form of an Artistic Merit Award. Visitors to the gallery vote for their favorite, which is then given a People’s Choice Award. And, one piece of art from this year’s show will be featured as the marketing image on next year’s postcards and website.
“NHCC loves to give young artists the opportunity to display their work. Our gallery is completely full, and our hallway cases and walls are covered with the art work,” says administrative assistant Cheryl Clausen.
What: Northwestern High School Art Exhibit
Where: NHCC
When: February 12–March
Cost: Free