Bejewel Your Walls With Jewel Toned Paint. Coat your home with warmth, intrigue and “a little mystery.”

Joanna Gaines, star of HGTV's Fixer Upper, offers practical hands-on decorating advice in her first book, Home Body: A Guide to Creating Spaces You Never Want to Leave.

For the 12th consecutive year, Jarrod Peterson of Edina Realty - Maple Grove has been named Super Real Estate Agent for 2018 by area publications.

If you have children and pets, it’s important to research each plant first before bringing it into your home.

Maple Grove’s Katie Lyons was always drawn to design, but it took her a little longer to find her niche within the broad category. Katie always had passion for art but struggled to bring it into her life as frequently as she wanted to.

When Brad and Heather were contacted by a production company for HGTV in September 2016, they thought it was an advertising pitch and immediately said, “No, thanks.”

For some Maple Grove homeowners, their master bedroom and bathroom were in dire need of renovation, structurally and in spirit.
The glorious sun has finally broken through the clouds to stream through the windows and reveal … dust. “We’ve been inside for six months of winter. Spring is about dusting,” says Brent Ashley, owner of MaidPro.

At 24, David Vinje was building his own home on the weekends. Now, with over 11 years in the business, Vinje transforms the suburban homes of others in Minnesota.

Call it a reckoning of the season. When the drab of winter softens into the pastel of spring, some home repair or maintenance might be in order. There’s something about spring that makes a homeowner take a second look at things, especially from the outside.