Inspired by his experience as a member of an Irish fiddle band, Maple Grove High School orchestra director Matt Caron decided to further share his passion with his students. Creating an after-school Fiddle Club, Caron would teach them new tunes and styles to fiddle. Upon brainstorming new ways to encourage collaboration among students, the district orchestra teachers came up with a district-wide Fiddle Festival to blend the middle and high school students together.
“The goal of the day is to share music and make connections between the high school and middle school musicians across the district and share that music with our community,” says Christa Saeger-Dean, the Osseo Senior High School orchestra director. Combining the students from Osseo Middle School, Maple Grove Middle School, Osseo Senior High School and Maple Grove Senior High School, fiddlers from all over town are banning together to jam out.
Teaching all the schools the same five tunes prior to the big day, the students arrive knowing the content and then intermix with the other schools to rehearse before the public performance that evening. Practicing in smaller sectional groups led by high school students, the musicians can share their knowledge with one another and have the opportunity to learn in new ways.
Sharing responsibilities for hosting and conducting, the three district orchestra directors work together to put on the event. This year the Fiddle Fest will be conducted by Saeger-Dean and Mary Gagnon of Park Center High School.
All ages. Free. 7 p.m. January 5; Enid Norstead Audiotorium
at Osseo Senior High School, 317 Second Ave. NW, Osseo