Misery Loves Company. Stephen King’s novel, Misery, comes to the stage at Yellow Tree Theatre.

Inspired by his experience as a member of an Irish fiddle band, Maple Grove High School orchestra director Matt Caron decided to further share his passion with his students.

Pack your blankets and lawn chairs for Maple Grove’s Concert on the Lawn. After being canceled due to the pandemic in 2020, the concert returns to the city’s Central Park on September 17–18 with gates opening around 4 p.m.

Maple Grove Days and the Arbor Lakes Art Fair make their anticipated return, making the middle of July an especially fun and family-friendly time in the city. (Events will follow COVID guidelines.)

The Shoppes at Arbor Lakes hosted Plaid Market on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. It was curated by Fox Run and featured over 20 local artisans and Omni Brewing’s pop-up taproom. A portion of the proceeds benefitted The Sheridan Story, fighting child hunger.

The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) Minnesota held its annual fundraising event in September in Elm Creek Park. PurpleRideStride was hosted by Camille Williams, former anchor at KARE 11.

Top off the season’s celebrations with a New Year’s Eve party from 2-6 p.m. at the Maple Grove Community Center. The special event has become an annual tradition, which offers residents a family-friendly option to bid adieu to the year and celebrate new beginnings.