We round up the five most popular Maple Grove public parks.

For Maple Grove’s Jonathan Griebel, cycling is a fun way to stay in shape and
enjoy the great outdoors. But don’t be fooled—although this humble grandfather
calls himself a “recreational cyclist,” his bike resume is pretty impressive.

Gone are the days when kids wandered off to nearby parks, sans parental supervision, and played for hours on end. Father of three and Maple Grove resident Pat Ross noticed this and set out to create a new play-time destination: his own backyard.

An orienteering class at the Eastman Nature Center is a fun way to spend a fall day. All photos by Rich Moll.

When a fire wiped out the Law Enforcement Training Facility two years ago much was lost, but from the ashes arose a new opportunity for Maple Grove citizens.

Home décor, organization and gardening have always been hobbies for Jennifer Ebeling. Her website, 6ftmama.com, showcases these interests in a fun and accessible way.

As Maple Grove’s self-appointed “ambassadors” to pickleball, Dan and Gail Hanka have been pleased with their stewardship in the last two years.

When I turned 16 in Maple Grove, I turned up my nose at any kind of transportation but a car. Man, did this pretentious teen miss out.