PlymouthREADS Seeks Six-Word Memoirs

Tell your story in just six words, then read the results.

PlymouthREADS, now in its fifth year, is collecting entries for its “Six-Word Memoirs” anthology. The rules are simple: Share, in exactly six words, your story. For example: “Great career. Nearing retirement. What’s next?”

Six-word memoirs will be collected in January, designed and printed in February and displayed throughout March and April at the Plymouth Library, Plymouth Creek Center and other community locations. Participants can enter online and at drop boxes in the library and Creek Center.

Each year of PlymouthREADS features several events focused around one book. The centerpiece of this year’s PlymouthREADS program is Holiday Inn, a collection by noted Minnesota storyteller and memoirist Kevin Kling. Participants are invited to pick up a copy at the Plymouth Library before Kling speaks at Primavera’s literary event on Sunday, April 6. There will also be a community book discussion on Sunday, March 30, at 1 p.m.