Real Estate Goes Digital

Learn more about My Mobile Agents from the woman who created it.

My Mobile Agents is a Maple Grove-based real estate company, created by Caprice Ayau, that allows you to connect with agents both online and offline. We talked with Ayau to learn more about the small, innovative company.

Can you explain how My Mobile Agents works?
A lot of our communication is through email. All of our agents communicate [via] mobile. We use Facebook. We do a lot of FaceTime. We do Google Hangouts. A lot of times what we’ll do is meet with a client online locally or in-person with Google Hangouts. That’s what is unique about us. We often shop for our clients online. For example, I would go off site and I would headhunt. I would shop for my client and if I see that it’s a good fit for them, I’d Google them in or FaceTime them in. Whichever communication they like to use.

Why do you think that it’s important to have this online option?
I think a lot of people like to communicate that way. It’s not as formal. It’s less intimidating. I don’t know if it’s the commitment level. The access is different.

Do you think this will be important for the new generation?
I do believe that is the number one reason why we have that option. The millennial group is very tech-savvy. A lot of the buyers today, that’s ultimately how they shop for a home. The microdata is at their fingertips. Along with our sellers, they’re doing their homework before they even contact us. So, we have to be on our game constantly.

When did My Mobile Agents start?
We have officially been open since 2010. It’s been a great journey. We started small and we’re still small, but we’re very mighty.

Why start My Mobile Agents?
I just really wanted to see if I could. I’m just very driven to service my clients on a different level. It was like, “how can I grow outside a large operation?”

How many agents do you have?
Currently we have seven. They’re region based. We have several agents who work the southern part of the Twin Cities, some for the northeast, northwest. We cover all areas of the Twin Cities. So, each agent has to know their market trends in each region.

What makes My Mobile Agents unique?
We showcase our properties with different marketing tools. Our agents work hard and we care. We listen. We really want to help our client. Not just put it on the market and say, "here you go."

What is your favorite part of this business?
I just love seeing people find their dream home. And, also getting to know clients on a different level. It’s a pretty big decision. And for me, they become friends and a part of our family. I love matching home buyers with home sellers. It’s really just growing the relationship.