Maple Grove vision resources

Seeing Clearly

Pearle Vision Family Owners in Maple Grove MN

At Pearle Vision in Maple Grove, work is a family affair. Jim Hawley serves as CEO while his wife, Donna, is co-owner, works on marketing and manages their giving program. She reports to their daughter Brooke Hawley Edwards, the GM and another co-owner of the store. Finally, their younger daughter, Kea Hawley Bull also reports to Brooke, serving as marketing/advertising manager.
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Maple Grove Supports Vision Impairment Initiatives

At 22, Maple Grove resident Cindy Rogers attended a routine appointment with her local eye care physician when she was living in Ohio. When she received a new pair of glasses weeks later she discovered they did not correct her vision. Doctors soon diagnosed Rogers with keratoconus, a degenerative eye impairment that steepens the cornea. Twenty years later the disease left Rogers legally blind in her left eye. She received a cornea graft in 2003. Read more about Maple Grove Supports Vision Impairment Initiatives

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