This is a time of renewal with plants emerging from the ground and shrubs and trees forming buds with the promise of a new season. What comes after that, is my favorite thing about spring—the sweet-smelling fragrances of early blooms. There is nothing better than heading out into the garden or going for walks and absorbing all the scents spring has to offer. Wouldn’t it be great to bring those lovely fragrances into your home?
A fresh cut flower bouquet could easily be at your fingertips. Add these spring blooming plants to your garden, and enjoy their sweet fragrance.
Lilacs are well-known spring blooming shrubs that offer an array of bloom colors and scents. They are very hardy in Minnesota and excel with our changing weather. My favorite spring fragrances include: Honeysuckle offers a sweet honey smell mixed with ripe citrus. Peonies bring a subtle clean sent that doesn’t overwhelm a room. The mock orange smells just like fresh oranges, hence the name.
Others fragrant flowers include: magnolias, flowering crabapples, irises, viburnums, azaleas and roses.
Contributed by Christina Timm, Lynde Greenhouse & Nursery