A Supply of Success. Meet the business that’s revolutionizing the protein powder market.

After 20 years in advertising and content marketing, Amy Adams was looking to get into a business she believed in and could regain balance in her life.

You might have noticed something different about the 35W and Lowry Avenue bridges in Minneapolis this month. They are alight in teal, which is the official color for ovarian cancer.

Eighteen years ago, Snickers chose the Paul family before they could pick him, when he waddled over to them out of a litter of Lhasa-Apso, Bichon Frise mix puppies. “Immediately, I knew he was the one for our family,” says Chris Paul.

The Facebook entry begins with a meme that is both humorous and candid, much like Lexi Willey herself, the 17-year-old Maple Grove Senior High School student who posted it. “Keep Calm: It’s Only Cerebral Palsy” is the opening to a few things she’s had on her mind for, well, the past 17 years.

A new yoga studio opened up late last year in Maple Grove. Before you say, “ho-hum,” listen up: This is Healthwise Studio, a yoga psychology studio.

“Say cheese!” There seems to be an overwhelming opportunity to show your pearly whites more now than ever. Everyone wants to capture that perfect moment and post it on Facebook, Instagram or other popular social media sites.

When Piperi Lisle first friended fitness instructor Brooke Van Asch on Facebook in July, at the behest of her good friend who was receiving nutrition instruction from Van Asch, she couldn’t know that the online relationship would lead to a 15- lb.

The holidays can be some of the most heart-felt, memorable times of the year, when we gather with family, celebrate our faith, eat great food and cozy up by the fire. However, for some, the mere approach of the season ushers in profound sadness. This is the case with both adults and youth.

In late 2007, things were on the up and up for Maple Grove area chef Kurt Stiles. He’d just left his position in product development at Caribou Coffee to start his own business in the growing area of gluten- and allergen-free food.