In the Creative Spirit. A poetry prompt for January.

There’s nothing quite like attending the world premiere of a local play that you know you won’t see anywhere else— and Yellow Tree Theatre has had the privilege of helping the Maple Grove community experience this year after year.
“I like seeing the big transformations and how you can update someone’s home without making big renovations.”—Painterati Sales Supervisor Katy Slater

Osseo Senior High School performers took it day by day through the Gospel parables in a production of Godspell. All photos by Rich Moll.
PlymouthREADS, now in its fifth year, is collecting entries for its “Six-Word Memoirs” anthology. The rules are simple: Share, in exactly six words, your story. For example: “Great career. Nearing retirement.

January is a month meant for looking towards the future, but this year indulge in some memories and travel back to the past. We asked some book, wine and music experts to share some of their favorite “forgotten classics”, so you can sit back, relax and let your memory do the thinking!

You won’t want to miss the upcoming production of The Mitten,beginning January 17, part of Stages Theatre Company’s 30th anniversary season.

If you ask a room of quilters why they enjoy quilting, you will get answers as varied as the patchwork in their hands. But if you ask the Maple Grove Quilters why they’ve stuck together for over 20 years, the answer is simple: friendship.

Nearly forty years ago, when a neighbor teased Gene Heezen about his upcoming trip to the Ozarks, (“Are going down there to spit and whittle?”) Heezen thought, well, why not? He picked up a knife and discovered a new creative outlet.
Looking for a good book but not sure where to start? The Maple Grove Library has Library Advisory Services called BookSpace and Novelist that can help align your reading interests with a desired book, both of which are accessible to library patrons through the Maple Grove Library website.

Paul Mazzacano’s life has almost never been without music. He started fooling around with music when he was 6; by the time he was 11, he was a professional musician, and by the time he was 15, he was playing with big bands. So, as he puts it, music “has just sort of been my entire life.”