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The Evidence Management Institute provides comprehensive and relevant evidence management training for evidence professionals that meets the unique and changing needs of today’s evidence room operations.

The two-day EMI Evidence Management Professional Certification class focuses on principles, processes and problem solving to equip evidence personnel with the essential knowledge and skills required to ensure the integrity of all of the evidence in your agency’s property room.

EMI Training Highlights

- Curriculum driven by our mission to elevate the industry and ensure the integrity of evidence for all stakeholders in the justice system.

- Designed around EMI Evidence Management Standards and Best Practices to provide students a blueprint to transfer class knowledge into sustainable and efficient operations.

- A leading edge, current and relevant curriculum that facilitates interactive class participation and engages the learner with activities directly applicable to their agency’s operation

- EMI training focuses on an integrated, systematic approach to evidence management.

- EMI training fills existing knowledge gaps in the area of digital evidence management and teaches student how to incorporate emerging and existing technology into evidence operations.

- Completion of the two-day EMI Evidence Management Professional Certification class affords students the option to test and obtain EMI Evidence Management Professional Certification immediately upon completion of the training course without waiting for an additional year of service time.

- Attendees will leave the class with specific a tool box of reference materials, resources and tools to evaluate and improve their own operations.

Open Class Tuition and Certification Rate(s):

Two day class and all class materials.

- 1st registered same-agency participant: $350.00 per participant

- Additional registered same-agency participants: $300.00 per participant

- Use Promo Code ADD1 at Checkout to Receive the Multiple Participant Discount

Certification Testing and Processing

Post-Class Online Certification

- $50 per annual certification

- $100 per 3-year certification

The Details
June 8th-9th, 8am-5pm