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Stop knitting your brow in frustration and start knitting your new favorite scarf. Whether as an introduction for neo-knitters or for knit wits who’ve lost the thread, this four-course class led by Deb Coder of Amazing Threads addresses all the fundamentals of hand knitting. Learn at your own pace as you practice casting on, knitting, purling, binding off, weaving in and de-creasing. Benefit from the supervision of a knowledgeable instructor as you create simple patterns and try out knitting in the round. Each student will knit a cowl or hat and will also have the opportunity to choose a unique project of his or her own. The cost of materials is not included. $52. 6-8 p.m. Amazing Threads, 11262 86th Ave. N.;; 763.391.7700

The Details
Thursdays, March 12-April 9, 6-8pm