Maple Grove’s Crew 84 Plans Adventurous Activities

Maple Grove’s Crew 84 is taking leadership skills to daring heights.


If your teenager is looking for an adventurous extracurricular activity, Maple Grove Venturing Crew 84 may be a good fit.
Venturing is a co-ed Boy Scouts of America program for youth ages 14-20 who seek high adventure. Crew 84 researches and plans a variety of  excursions. The adult leaders of the group provide guidance, but it is truly a youth run program that encourages the development of organizational and leadership skills. They also offer opportunities for trips, fundraising and community service.
“There are advancement or rank opportunities, but most kids seem to be in it for the experience of planning and taking high-adventure trips,” said Ron Flett, co-founder of Crew 84. The Crew has upcoming excursions that include zip lining in the Minnesota River Valley and sailing the Florida Keys.
Crew 84 meets the second Thursday of each month at Maple Grove Lutheran Church. For more information, email

If your teenager is looking for an adventurous extracurricular activity, Maple Grove Venturing Crew 84 may be a good fit.

 Venturing is a co-ed Boy Scouts of America program for youth ages 14-20 who seek high adventure. Crew 84 researches and plans a variety of  excursions. The adult leaders of the group provide guidance, but it is truly a youth run program that encourages the development of organizational and leadership skills. They also offer opportunities for trips, fundraising and community service.

 “There are advancement or rank opportunities, but most kids seem to be in it for the experience of planning and taking high-adventure trips,” said Ron Flett, co-founder of Crew 84. The Crew has upcoming excursions that include zip lining in the Minnesota River Valley and sailing the Florida Keys. Crew 84 meets the second Thursday of each month at Maple Grove Lutheran Church. For more information, email