Thirteen-year-old King Charles cavalier spaniel, Molly waited patiently for a treat as her owner, Patti Johnson took advantage of the sweet pose at her home in Maple Grove. Johnson, who has been interested in photography over the last three decades, loves coming across these simple moments in time.
“Sometimes you forget about things you’ve seen whether it’s on vacation or someplace else,” Johnson says. Her favorite part of photography is “just capturing a memory or a moment.”
Johnson’s husband recently bought her a new camera, which sparked her interest even further.
“Last year I took a photography class, so that was getting me out more to try new things on the camera,” she says.
Outside of taking photos of her dog, which she won first place for in the Pets category of the 2016 Focus on Maple Grove photo contest, Johnson enjoys capturing photos of nature and wildlife, especially on trips to her cabin on Lake Vermillion.
Johnson spends time taking photos of wildlife in Maple Grove as well at many of the local parks, including the walking paths in Fish Lake Park, looking for a moment that should last a little longer.