Arts & Culture

Ruby Miller, 15, has been Irish dancing for eight years, and her love for the sport continues to grow.

Christina Traeger is a livestock farmer in Avon, Minnesota, who, by her own admission, “does a lot of things the old way.” Her chicken coop, for example, was owned by her grandmother. “I think my dad was involved in building it, maybe 45 or 50 years ago,” she says.

The Cross Community Players (CCP) is bringing a production of The Pirates of Penzance to Osseo Senior High.

The Minnesota Constitution, Article IV, Section 8 says: “Each member and officer of the legislature before entering upon his duties shall take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States, the constitution of this state, and to discharge faithfully the duties of his off

Every July, something incredible takes place that gathers folks from all over the Midwest—the Hamel Rodeo & Bull Ridin’ Bonanza.

According to Maple Grove resident Ellie Hoyt, athletics provide more than a quality workout to student participants—Hoyt has found friendship and solace in sports. “Volleyball was a great outlet for me,” she says of her own school sports experience.

Caleb Truax pulls no punches on the secret to his boxing success. The 34-year-old Osseo native calls this his mantra—cut no corners. It’s one of the hashtags he uses on social media.

For years, Maple Grove has been home to a vibrant community of seniors making the most of their retired time. With baby boomers retiring at a rapid pace, activities designed with seniors in mind have taken center stage.

As director of the Suburban Hennepin and Carver County Workforce Area, he and his staff pair employers with job candidates. On some days, that includes planning job fairs, coaching or sharing resources with applicants.

The Maple Grove Farmers Market provides locally grown produce to the community, and a lot of talent is hidden behind each stand.
