Maple Grove Magazine's Look Back at 2022. Our most-read articles over the past year.

In 2006, Hurricane Katrina devastated parts of the country, leaving many lives and homes from central Florida to eastern Texas in shambles. For Lynne Bengston, the need to head to the area of devastation and help the animals that had been displaced in the wake of the storm was top of mind.

Tell people you’re going to a Single Circles gathering, and they might think you’re headed to a dating event. Nope. Not really. This group has a queen/king and banner raids, but we’ll get to that.

Voting for the 2019 Best of Maple Grove survey is now closed. The results of our annual readers’ choice survey will be printed in July, in our special Best of edition of Maple Grove Magazine, and we'll need your help to fill it with the best Maple Grove has to offer.

Erin Hente had more in mind than building a successful business. “It’s not so much about just having businesses in the area, it’s about contributing to our community,” says Hente, owner of Maple Grove’s NTY Clothing Exchange and Children’s Orchard.

Providing local students with additional learning and developmental opportunities is the mainstay of the ISD 279 Foundation.
The Winnebago were hardly given a chance to build a home in Maple Grove before they were removed.

People & Families
First Place: Sister Shadow Play by Mindy Gallagher
Second Place: True Happiness by Lisa Kirvan
Third Place: All the Fall Feels by Mindy Gallagher

Mindy Gallagher and her youngest daughter, Fiona, take “adventure walks” during which Fiona leads her mother to lakes and ponds, friends’ houses, the woods and beyond. The fall leaves were dancing in a gentle breeze one evening when the two stumbled upon a park.

Reach for Resources, a nonprofit organization, offers support and services to individuals dealing with mental illness and disabilities and is assisting those in Maple Grove and other communities.

Sometimes, it’s the perfect combination of environment and timing that creates a stunning photo. Gina Walseth recognized the beauty of the moment immediately upon spying this scene. She whipped out a substitute camera—her cell phone.
Event Galleries
Take a look at photos from events in your community.