
Emily Shilson has scored a takedown. Her hard work has made her not only a star athlete but a star student as well.

It all happened in very short order. In early June, on the Today show, an announcement was made about a contest to find the funniest dad in America in celebration of Father’s Day. “Apply online,” they said, “if you’re a dad with a funny story to tell.” Maple Grove resident M.

Rose Gallagher is a senior at Maple Grove Senior High. She is a high- achieving student who loves social studies and history. “The hardest high school class I have taken is pre-calculus. It is very different from any math class I have taken so far and a very rigorous course,” she says.

After 18 weeks of intense training, Stephanie Firestone and Justin Siemieniewski successfully graduated from Fire Academy this summer.

Today’s top students have more opportunities than ever before to take advanced coursework, compete in sports, play in state-wide music competitions, display leadership and excel in general. The sky is the limit, but that also means that there is enormous pressure to achieve.

Maple Grove Senior High grad Evan Skaja was honored to be a U.S. Presidential Scholar* candidate this year.

You may remember Maple Grove Senior High School graduate Brycen Wojta from the February 2015 issue of Maple Grove Magazine.

Heidi Nelson has been successful at something we’d all probably like to achieve: a shorter commute. Nelson took over as Maple Grove city administrator in late 2015 and reduced her drive to work by half on most days.

Last December, captain of patrol Dan Wills graduated from the FBI National Academy Program at Quantico, Virginia, a 10-week program known for its intense training in leadership, advanced communication and rigorous fitness.

Bethel University senior and defensive lineman Nathan Hultgren has had quite the football career.
